Chocolate-dipped Fruit Platter - The Ultimate Dessert You May Indulge In

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Chocolate-dipped Fruit Platter - The Ultimate Dessert You May Indulge In

Chocolates are an indulgence that people across the world love partaking in. What could be better than sinking your teeth into a decadent bar of chocolate? You'll be tasting the rich, creamy flavor of cocoa infused with sweetness, seeping across your mouth.

Fruits, on the other hand, are usually seen as a healthy source of sweet sensations. But what if we told you that you could mix fruits with chocolates and enjoy the best of both worlds?

Adding chocolate to fruits is nothing new. The banana split, often topped with hot chocolate sauce, is a popular dessert item that has bananas covered in chocolate. Some people also enjoy dipping strawberries in chocolate as well. But what else can you dip in chocolate?

Making a chocolate-coated fruit platter

Fresh fruits taste delicious when coated with chocolate. A simple dessert recipe for any season, a chocolate-coated fruit platter is something both children and adults will love. Coat apple slices in chocolate, or dip strawberries in some chocolate, to make an easy dessert for your loved ones.

All you need is an abundance of your preferred chocolate, as well as a selection of your favorite fruits.

A chocolate-dipped fruit platter is easy to make. It'll take from one hour to one and a half hours to make, depending on how fast you are. You can dip fruits in all kinds of chocolate, from dark chocolate to milk chocolates or white chocolate.

You could be wondering, however, about the fruits that you should choose for the platter. Do all fruits taste good when dipped in chocolate? What about oranges? Or guava?

When it comes to what fruits you should choose, ultimately the answer will depend on you. What fruits do you enjoy eating? If you aren't a fan of bananas, then coating bananas in chocolate will only make you like that fruit just a little bit more. First, make a list of all the fruits that you do like. Then, consider how they may taste coated in chocolate.

There are some fruits that taste delicious when coated with chocolate, to everyone. Banana is one of these fruits. Apples also taste delicious when you coat them with rich chocolate. Oranges, on the other hand, may not be an ideal choice for your fruit platter. Berries usually taste great, when you coat them with chocolate. Both strawberries and blueberries can be coated with chocolate.

Coat your favorite fruits in chocolate to see how they would taste.

Even if you want to coat cherries in chocolate, get fresh cherries just watch out for the pits. Do you want to learn more about chocolates, and indulge yourself in the delicious world of chocolates? Then visit Le Chocolatier. You'll also be introduced to a variety of chocolate platters, including a chocolate-covered strawberry platter, and even a happy birthday platter.

Ingredients you'll need

To make your chocolate-coated fruit platter, you'll first need to gather an assortment of fruits. You should also consider slicing into pieces, the fruits that you choose. If you want to coat apples in chocolate, then coating slices of apples in chocolate might be a better idea.

If you coat the whole apple in chocolate, then while the outside will be coated, the inside will still mostly taste like an apple. To ensure that your guests get the taste of chocolate with every bite that they take, slice your fruits into bite-sized pieces.

You can use fruits like apples and starfruit, both sliced. Kiwi, when cut into quarters, also tastes great when coated with chocolate. If you can find fresh pineapples, then cut them into quarters to add them to your fruit platter. Fresh fruits that are moist such as pineapples should be pat dried as much as possible so that the chocolate will stick.

You can also dip dried apricots, peaches, pears, and mango slices for your fruit platter. It's been seen that dried fruits taste particularly good when coated with chocolate. Nearly all kinds of fresh fruits can be used, to make a chocolate-dipped fruit platter. Pomegranates and custard apples and some examples of fruits that are harder to add to the fruit platter.

For berries that you could add to your dish, strawberries and cherries make excellent additions. You can also add grapes and blueberries to your fruit platter. All kinds of grapes taste great when you coat them with chocolate. Just go to your nearest supermarket or grocery store, and see what fruits they have on display. Depending on the season, you can use everything from pineapples to melons, apples, peaches, and more.

What else do you need?

You need more than just fruits to make your chocolate-coated fruit platter. You'll also need chocolate, and there's a huge variety that you can choose from. You can get everything from bitter dark chocolate to sweet milk chocolate. You can even get various kinds of chocolate, to make a fruit platter coated in everything from rich to dark to sweet chocolate.

Once you've chosen the chocolate you want, it's time to get it on your chopping board. Use a knife to cut the chocolate up into smaller pieces. This will help the chocolate to melt faster. You'll also need a bowl that you can melt the chocolate in, baking paper, and a baking spatula.

Now, if you want to surprise your loved one with a yummy-looking chocolate assorted fruit platter, visit Le Chocolatier.

How do you make a chocolate fruit platter?

The first thing you'll need to do is prepare the fruit that you've chosen. The fruit needs to be dry before it's dipped into the chocolate. If the fruit feels moist, then you should pat dry it using paper towels.

Now, let's turn our attention to the chocolate. For this recipe, you'll be melting the chocolate, and then dipping the fruit into the melted chocolate. You can also temper some chocolate and add it to your fruit platter as a garnish.

To melt the chocolate, you'll first need to set a pot of water to boil. While the water is boiling, chop your chocolate into smaller pieces. Then, place the chocolate pieces into a bowl, that you can place on top of the pot of boiling water. The bowl should be able to withstand the high temperature of the water that's turning into steam. A baking bowl would be perfect for this.

Place the bowl with the chocolate on top of the pot of boiling water. Keep stirring the chocolate as it starts to melt. Don't leave the chocolate unattended, and keep stirring until all the chocolate has melted.

Then, simply take the fruits you've decided to add to your chocolate-coated fruit platter and place them into the melted chocolate.

Finally, you'll need to leave the chocolate-coated fruits on top of some waxed paper. You'll need to leave your dessert to rest, which could take between twenty minutes to an hour. If you have space in the chiller in your fridge, then you can leave your dessert platter there. It will help the chocolate set even faster.


If you want to add a simple yet delicious dessert to your next dinner menu, then consider this chocolate-dipped fruit platter. The variations you can enjoy of this dish are numerous, you can mix and match any number of fruits that you like. Use bananas, apples, and other fruits; coat them with chocolate and make yourself a delicious dessert. For all your "chocolate indulgence," you may visit Le Chocolatier.

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